Finance is one of the
basic foundations of all kinds of economic activities. Finance is defined as “provision
of money at the time when it is required”. Every enterprise, whether
big, medium, or small, needs finance to carry on its operations and to achieve
its targets. Without adequate finance, no enterprise can possibly accomplish
its objectives. So finance
is regarded as the lifeblood of any business enterprise. The subject of
finance has been traditionally classified into two;
Public Finance: - It deals with the requirements, receipts
and disbursement of funds in the govt. Institutions like states, local
self-govt. and central govt.
Private Finance: - It
is concerned with requirements, receipts, and disbursement of fund in case of
an individual, a profit seeking business organization and a non-profit
Thus, private finance can be classified
Personal Finance: - Personal finance
deals with the analysis of principle and practices involved in managing one’s
own daily need of fund.
Finance of Non-Profit Organization: - The
finance of non-profit organization is concerned with the practices, procedures
and problems involved in financial management of charitable, religion,
educational, social and other similar organizations.
Business Finance: - The study of
principle, practices, procedures and problems concerning financial management
of profit making organization engaged in the field of industry, trade and
commerce is undertaken under the discipline of business finance. Business
finance deals with the finance of business objectives and it is concerned with
the planning and controlling firm’s financial resources.
According to GuthMan and Dougal
business finance can be defined as the “activity concerned with planning,
raising, controlling and administrating of funds used in the business”.
Wheeler defines business finance as
“that business activity which is concerned with the acquisition and
conservation of capital funds in meeting the financial needs and overall
objectives of business enterprise.”
Financial management is
concerned with business finance, i.e. the finance of profit seeking
organization. Business finance can further be classified into 3
categories, viz.
a) Sole
proprietary finance
Partnership firm finance
Company or corporation finance
Corporation finance or broadly speaking business finance can be defined as the process of rising,
providing and administrating of all money/funds to be used in a corporate
(business) enterprises.
Financial Management
Financial management is concerned
with the management of funds in a corporate enterprise or financial management
is concerned with the procurement and use of funds in a business. Financial
management is the managerial activity, which is concerned with the planning and
controlling of the firms financial resources.
According to Solomon Ezra, “financial management is concerned with the
efficient use of an important economic resource, namely capital funds”.
“Financial management is concerned
with the managing of finance of the business for smooth functioning and
successful accomplishment of the enterprise objectives”
The term financial management,
managerial finance, corporation finance and business finance are virtually
equivalent and are used inter-changeably, most financial managers how ever
seems to prefer either financial management or managerial finance..
Finance function
Finance function is the
most important of all business functions. It remains a focus of all activities.
It is not possible to substitute or eliminate this function because; the business
will close down in the absence of finance. According to Solomon Ezra “finance function
as the study of the problems involved in the use and acquisition of funds by a
business”. It starts with the setting up of an enterprise and
remains at all times. The funds will have to be raised from various sources.
The receiving of money is not enough, its utilization is more important. The
money once received will have to be returned also. It may be easy to raise
funds but it may be difficult to repay them.
Aims of Finance
The primary aim of finance
function is to arrange as much funds for the business as are required from time
to time. This function has the following aims:
Acquiring Sufficient Funds: - The main aim of finance function is to assess
the financial needs of an enterprise and then finding out suitable sources for
raising them. The sources should be commensurate with the need of the business.
If funds are needed for longer period’s then long term sources like share capital,
debentures, term loans may be explored. A concern with longer gestation period
should rely more on owner’s funds instead of interest- bearing securities
because profits may not be there for some years.
2. Proper
Utilization of Funds: - Though raising of funds is important but their
effective utilization is more important. The funds should be used in such a way
that maximum benefit is derived from them. The returns from their use should be
more than their cost. It should be ensured that funds do not remain idle at any
point of time.
Increasing Profitability: - The planning and control of finance function
aims at increasing profitability of the concern. To increase profitability
sufficient funds will have to be invested. Finance function should be so planned
that the concern neither suffers from inadequacy of funds nor wastes more funds
than required. A proper control should also be exercised so that scarce
resources are not frittered away on uneconomical operations.
Maximizing Firm’s Value: -Finance function also aims at maximizing the
value of the firm. Besides profits, the type of sources used for raising funds,
the cost of funds, the condition of money market, the demand for products are
some other considerations which also influence a firm’s value.
Decisions or Decisions of Financial Manager
a.Investment Decision: - The investment
decision relates to the selection of assets in which funds will be invested by
a firm. The assets, which can be acquired, fall into two broad groups- Long term
assets and Short term assets. The aspect of financial decision making with
reference to long term assets is termed as “capital budgeting” and to short term
assets or current assets is termed as “working capital management”
b. Financing Decisions: - It is the
second important function to be performed by the financial manager. Broadly
he/she must decide when, where and how to acquire funds to meet the firms
investment needs. The financial manager must strive to obtain the optimum best
capital structure for his/her firm. The mix of debt and equity is known
as the firm’s capital structure. Optimum capital structure
means capital structure that maximizes the value of firm and minimizes the cost
of capital.
c. Dividend Decision: - - It is the
third important function to be performed by the financial manager. The
financial manager must decide whether the firm should distribute all profits or
retain them or distribute a portion and retain the balance.
d. Liquidity Decision: - Liquidity
means the capacity of a firm to convert an asset into cash within a short
period without much loss. It is a decision regarding the outflow and inflow of
cash. In addition to the management of long-term asset, the current assets
should be managed efficiently against the dangers of ill liquidity.
Scope or
Content of Financial Management/
Finance Function:-
The main objective of
financial management is to arrange sufficient finances for meeting short term
and long term needs. A financial manager will have to concentrate on the
following areas of finance function:
1. Estimating Financial Requirements: -
The first task of
financial manager is to estimate short term and long-term financial
requirements of his business. For this purpose, he will prepare a financial
plan for present as well as for future. The amount required for purchasing
fixed assets as well as for working capital will have to be ascertained.
2. Deciding Capital Structure: -
The capital structure
refers to the kind and proportion of different securities for raising funds.
After deciding about the quantum of funds required, it should be decided which
type of securities should be raised. It may be wise to finance fixed assets
through long-term debts and current assets through short-term debts.
3. Selecting a Source of Finance: -
After preparing
capital structure, an appropriate source of finance is selected. Various
sources from which finance may be raised include: share capital, debentures,
financial institutions, commercial banks, public deposits etc. If finance is
needed for short period then banks, public deposits and financial institutions
may be appropriate. On the other hand, if long-term finance is required then,
share capital, and debentures may be useful.
4. Selecting a pattern of Investment: -
When funds have been
procured then a decision about investment pattern is to be taken. The selection
of an investment pattern is related to the use of funds. A decision will have
to be taken as to which asset is to be purchased. The funds will have to be
spent first on fixed assets and then an appropriate portion will be retained
for working capital. The decision-making techniques such as capital budgeting,
opportunity cost analysis etc. may be applied in making decisions about capital
5. Proper cash Management: -
Cash management is an
important task of finance manager. He has to assess various cash needs at
different times and then make arrangements for arranging cash. The cash
management should be such that neither there is a shortage of it and nor it is
idle. Any shortage of cash will damage the credit worthiness of the enterprise.
The idle cash with the business will mean that it is not properly used. Cash flow
statements are used to find out various sources and application of cash.
6. Implementing Financial Controls:-
An efficient system of financial management
necessitates the use of various control devises. Financial control devises
generally used are budgetary control, break even analysis; cost control, ratio
analysis etc. The use of various techniques by the finance manager will help
him in evaluating the performance in various areas and take corrective measures
whenever needed.
7. Proper use of Surplus: -
The utilization of
profit or surplus is also an important factor in financial management. A
judicious use of surpluses is essential for expansion and diversification plan
and also in protecting the interest of shareholders. The finance manager should
consider the following factors before declaring the dividend;
a. Trend of earnings of the enterprise
b. Expected earnings in future.
c. Market value of shares.
d. Shareholders interest.
e. Needs of fund for expansion etc.
Objectives/Goals of Financial Management or Business
The firms’ investment and
financing decisions are unavoidable and continuous. In order to make them
rationally the firm must have a goal. It is generally agreed in theory that the
financial goal of the firm should be the maximization of owner’s economic
welfare. Owner’s economic welfare could be maximized while maximizing the
shareholders wealth as reflected in the market value of shares. The main
objective of a business is to maximize the owner’s economic welfare. This
objective can be achieved by;
Profit Maximization
2) Wealth Maximization
Maximization: -
maximization means maximizing the rupee income of a firm. Profit earning is the
main aim of every economic activity. No business can survive without earning
profit. Profit is a measure of efficiency of a business enterprise. Profit also
serve as a protection against risk which enables a business to face risk like
fall in prices, competition from other units, adverse govt. polices etc. So the
profit maximization is considered as the main objective of business.
Arguments for profit
When profit earning is the aim of business, the profit maximization should be
the main objective.
Profitability is a barometer for measuring efficiency and economic prosperity
of a business enterprise.
Profits are the main source of finance for the growth of a business.
Profitability is essential for fulfilling social goals.
A business will be able to survive under unfavorable situation only if it has
some past earnings.
Criticism of Profit Maximization: -
is vague: - The price meaning of profit maximization objective is unclear.
Whether short term or long term profit, profits before tax or after tax, total
profit or earning per share and so on.
2. Ignores
the timing of the return: - The profit maximization objective ignores the
time value of money. If values benefits received today and benefits received
after a period as the same, it avoids the fact that cash received today is more
important than the same amount of cash received after some years.
3. It
ignores risk: - The streams of benefit may possess different degree of
certainty. Two firms may have same total expected earnings, but if the earnings
of one firm fluctuate considerably as compared to the other, it will be more
risky. Profit maximization objective ignores this factor.
4. The
effect of dividend policy on the market price of share is also not
considered in the objective of profit maximization.
5. Profit maximization
criteria fail to take into consideration the interest of govt., workers and
other persons in the enterprise.
6. The
firm’s goals cannot be to maximize profit but to attain a certain level or rate
of profit, holding a certain shares of the market or a certain level of sales.
Maximization: -
It is assumed that the goal of the firm should be to maximize the
wealth of its current shareholders. Wealth maximization is the appropriate
objective of an enterprise. Financial theory asserts that wealth maximization
is the single substitute for a stockholder’s utility. When the firm maximizes
the stockholder’s wealth, the individual stockholder can use this wealth to
maximize his individual utility. It means that by maximizing stockholder’s
wealth the firm is operating consistently towards maximizing stockholder’s utility.
A stockholder’s current wealth in the firm is the product of the number of
shares owned, multiplied with the current stock price per share. Stockholder’s current wealth in a firm =
(Number of shares owned) x (Current stock price per share). The financial
manager must know the factors, which influences the market price of shares;
otherwise he would find himself unable to maximize the market value of company’s
shares. The wealth maximization is a criterion for every financial decision.
Besides profit, the type of sources used for raising funds, the cost of funds,
the condition of money market are some factors that influence the market value
of shares.
of wealth maximization
It serves the interests of suppliers of
long term and short-term loaned capital, employees, management and society.
1. Short – term lenders are primarily
interested in liquidity position so that they get their payments in time.
2. The long –term lenders get a fixed rate
of interest from the earnings and also have a priority over share holders in return of their
3. The employees may also try to
acquire share of company’s wealth through bargaining etc.
4. Management is the elected body of
shareholders. The shareholders may not like to change a management if it is
able to increase the value of their holdings.
The efficient allocation of productive resources will be essential for
raising the wealth of the company
5. The economic interest of society is served if various
resources are put to economical and efficient use.
Arguments against Wealth Maximization: -
objective of wealth maximization is not necessarily socially desirable.
firm should not to increase the shareholders wealth but also to see the
interest of customers, creditors, suppliers, community and others.
is some controversy as to whether the objective is to maximize the shareholders
wealth or the wealth of the firm, which includes other financial claim holders
such as debenture holder’s preference stock holders etc.
objective is not descriptive of what the firms actually do to maximize the
A financial manager is a person who
is responsible to carryout finance functions. He is one of the members of the
top management team. The financial manager, there fore, must have a clear
understanding and strong grasp of the nature and scope of the finance
Functions of a
Finance Manager
The changed business environment in the recent past has widened the role of a financial manager. The Functions of a Finance Manager are;
1. Financial Forecasting and Planning: -
A financial manager has to
estimate the financial needs of a business. How much money will be required for
acquiring various assets? The amount will be needed for purchasing fixed assets
and meeting working capital needs. He has to plan the funds needed in the
future. How these funds will be acquired and applied is an important function
of a finance manager.
2. Acquisition of Funds: -
After making financial planning, the next
step will be to acquire funds. There are a number of sources available for
supplying funds. These sources may be shares, debentures, financial
institutions, commercial banks etc. The selection of an appropriate source is a
delicate task. The choice of a wrong source for funds may create difficulties
at a later stage. The pros and cons of various sources should be analyzed
before making a final decision.
3. Investment of Funds: -
The funds should be used in the best possible way. The cost of acquiring
them and the returns should be compared. The channels, which generate higher
returns, should be preferred. The technique of capital budgeting may be helpful
in selecting a project. The objective of maximizing profits will be achieved
only when funds are efficiently used and they do not remain idle at any time. A
financial manager has to keep in mind the principles of safety, liquidity and
soundness while investing funds.
4. Helping in Valuation Decisions: -
A number of mergers and
consolidations take place in the present competitive industrial world. A
finance manager is supposed to assist management
in making valuation etc. For this purpose, he should understand various methods
of valuing shares and other assets so that correct values are arrived at.
5. Maintain Proper Liquidity: -
Every concern is required to
maintain some liquidity for meeting day-to-day needs. Cash is the best source
for maintaining liquidity. It is required to purchase raw materials, pay
workers, meet other expense, etc. A finance manager is required to determine
the need for liquid assets and then arrange liquid assets in such a way that
there is no scarcity of funds.
Risk means possibility of loss or
injury. In other words Risk is the difference between expected return and
actual return. Risk can be traditionally classified into two .They are;
1. Systematic risk and
2. Unsystematic risk
Systematic risk
Systematic risk
represents that portion of the total risk of an investment that cannot be
eliminated or minimized through diversification. Systematic risk is also known
as non-diversifiable risk or market risk e.g.:
The govt. changes the interest rate policy.
The corporate tax rate is increased.
3. Changes
in inflation rate.
Changes in investor’s expectation.
credit policy.
Unsystematic risk
Unsystematic risk represents that portion of the total
risk of an investment, which can be eliminated or minimized through
diversification. Unsystematic risk is also known as diversifiable or unique
risk. e.g.-
1. Strikes.
2. Availability of raw material.
3. Management capabilities and
4. Competition.
Risk -return trade off
Financial decisions of a
firm often involve alternative courses of actions. A finance manager has to
select amongst the various alternatives available to him. For example, while
making an-investment decision, he has to decide whether, the firm should go in
for a machinery having capacity of 50,000 units or 2,00,000 units. In the same
manner the financing decision may involve a choice between a debt equity ratios
of 1:1 or 2:1, the divided decision may be concerned with the quantum of
profits to be distributed. The alternative course of action implies different
risk-return relationship as there is positive relationship between the amount
of risk assumed and the amount of expected return. A machine with higher
capacity may give a higher expected return but involves higher risk of
investment, whereas the machine with lower capacity may have a lower expected
return and a lower risk of investment. A higher debt-equity ratio may help in
increasing the return on equity but will aisa enhance the financial risk.
making a financial decision, one has to answer the basic questions: What is the
expected return? What is the risk involved? How would the decision influence
the market value of the firm? The
financial manager has to strike a balance between various so$gees so that the
overall profitability of the firm and its market value increases.
Time value of
The time value of money is
perhaps the most fundamental principle needed to understand and make financial
decision. The concept in general, implies that a rupee today is worth more than
a rupee a year later. The computation of value over time is done through the
process of compounding and discounting;
1. Compounding
of single sum:-
process of computing the future value, based on the initial amount, the
interest per period and the number of periods is called compounding. The future
value to be received after a number of years can be calculated by using the
following equations:-
a) Annually
F= P(1+r)n
b) Half
F=P(1+r/2) 2n
c) Quarterly
F=P(1+r/4) 4n
P= Present Value
r= Rate of interest
n= Number of years
Discounting of a single sum:-
process of finding the present value based on future amounts, interest rate per
period and the number of periods is known as discounting. Discounting is
exactly the reverser of compounding. This can be calculated by using the
following equations
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