Marian Village, Puthuppady P.O, Kothamangalam-686 673
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
(a) Describe the computer architecture with diagram? (12 marks)
(b) (i) What are the various input and output devices? (6 marks)
(ii) State the characteristics of a computer? (6 marks)
(a) (i) What is an operating system? (4 marks)
(ii) Explain the function of an operating system? (8 marks)
(b) (i) How can we process text using MSWord? (6 marks)
(ii) Give a brief introduction about spread sheets? (6 marks)
(a) (i) Define Databases? (4 marks)
(ii) State and explain the important Database functions? (8 marks)
(b) (i) What do you meant by indexing in databases? (6 marks)
(ii) What are the types of databases? (6 marks)
(a) Explain about the network topologies and what are the types? (12 marks)
(b) (i) What do you meant by Computer Networks? (6 marks)
(ii) Give a brief introduction about LAN &WAN? (6 marks)
(a) List and describe Internet, e-business & its applications? (12 marks)
(b) (i) What do you meant by WWW, with relevant examples? (6 marks)
(ii) Describe the reasons for the growth of E-commerce? (6 marks)
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
1. a) Elaborate the concepts of macro and micro economics.
b) Comment on the emerging Indian scenario of business ethics.
2. a) Write short notes on
· Theory of Demand
· Foreign private investment.
b) Describe the price determination under different market structures.
3 a) Explain the objectives and limitations of Indian Fiscal Policy.
b) Briefly explain the concepts of IS-LM curves.
4 a) Explain the classical models for economic development.
b) Enumerate the stages of economic growth described by Prof Rostow. Is it applicable to India?
5. Write a detail essay about debt management.
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
Each question carries 12 Marks
I. (a)What is ecology? How is it disrupted? Explain in detail.
(b)Explain the need of sustainable development in India.
II. (a)What strategies can be adopted for preventing depletion of natural resources?
(b) “Unhealthy competition can affect ecological equilibrium”.Discuss.
III. (a)Describe the effects of global warming.
(b)What are the factors you have to consider during production process for ensuring environment protection?
IV. (a)Discuss the basic principles of ISO 14001.
(b)Write a note on:
(i) Convention on biological diversity
(ii)Non-conventional energy sources
V. (a)Highlight the significance of environmental accounting and audit.
(b)Explain the role of Government for maintaining environment friendly business.
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
Each question carries 10 marks
1. What do you understand by Work Ethos? Discuss Indian Ethos having relevance to the field of management
How are the field of Science and Management related to each other? Does Gita provide any scientific philosophy base to explain Human behavior? Explain by giving suitable examples.
2. Discuss the managerial challenges in modern organization? How does the Holistic approach in decision making help tackle such challenges?
What is Globalization? Discuss the ethical issues related to Globalization. Explain the merits and demerits of economic globalisation
3. What had been the Indian Heritage in Production and Consumption as regards Work Ethos? Exemplify your answer.
What is the relevance of Trans-cultural Human Values to the field of management? Why it has become essential for the study in management education during recent times?
4. What do you understand by Spiritual and Secular values in Management? Discuss their relevance in current Globalised World.
Explain the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM).What lessons can be drawn from Indian Ethos and Values with regard to TQM.
5. Unity in Diversity. Comment
Elaborate the Fundamental Rights embodied under The Constitution of India
6. Case study
Whistleblowing & the Environment: the Case of Avco Environmental
Chantale Leroux works as a clerk for Avco Environmental Services, a small toxic-waste disposal company.
The company has a contract to dispose of medical waste from a local hospital. During the course of her work, Chantale comes across documents that suggest that Avco has actually been disposing of some of this medical waste in a local municipal landfill. Chantale is shocked. She knows this practice is illegal. And even though only a small portion of the medical waste that Avco handles is being disposed of this way, any amount at all seems a worrisome threat to public health.
Chantale gathers together the appropriate documents and takes them to her immediate superior, Dave Lamb. Dave says, "Look, I don't think that sort of thing is your concern, or mine. We're in charge of record-keeping, not making decisions about where this stuff gets dumped. I suggest you drop it."
The next day, Chantale decides to go one step further, and talk to Angela van Wilgenburg, the company's Operations Manager. Angela is clearly irritated. Angela says, "This isn't your concern. Look, these are the sorts of cost-cutting moves that let a little company like ours compete with our giant competitors. Besides, everyone knows that the regulations in this area are overly cautious. There's no real danger to anyone from the tiny amount of medical waste that 'slips' into the municipal dump. I consider this matter closed."
Chantale considers her situation. The message from her superiors was loud and clear. She strongly suspects that making further noises about this issue could jeopardize her job. Further, she generally has faith in the company's management. They've always seemed like honest, trustworthy people. But she was troubled by this apparent disregard for public safety. On the other hand, she asks herself whether maybe Angela was right in arguing that the danger was minimal. Chantale looks up the phone number of an old friend who worked for the local newspaper.
Questions for Discussion:
1. What should Chantale do?
2. What are the reasonable limits on loyalty to one's employer?
3. Would it make a difference if Chantale had a position of greater authority?
4. Would it make a difference if Chantale had scientific expertise?
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
Each questions carries 10 marks
1. a) Explain the various types of listening and its functions in modern communication system?
b) “The success of a letter depends upon the effectiveness of its opening and closing paragraphs” – Discuss?
2. a) What is a report? State various kinds of reports relevant to a business organisation?
b) Give the advantages and disadvantages of using e-mail in business communication?
3. a) Describe the influence of IT in business communication. What are its merits and demerits?
b) Explain briefly kinetics and prozemics?
4. a) “One should adopt the ‘you attitude’ and avoid negative words in business correspondence” – Connect.
b) Explain the barriers to communication?
5. a) Explain what is meant by body language?
b) Describe the process of communication indicating the role of each element?
6. a) You are the sales manager in a software company that developed an administrative software package for management institues. Deaft a sales letter to be sent to management institutes promoting the sales of the software. Assume any suitable data?
b) As the branch manager, write to the headoffice asking larger premises and more staff?
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
I. (a) Explain the important accounting concepts.
(b) What are the different types of errors?
II. (a) On Ist January 2000 Preethi Associates bought two cars under Hire Purchase system from Rohit Car Dealers. The price of a car was Rs. 3,00,000 to be paid Rs. 75,000 down for each car and the balance in three equal instalments with interest @15%. The purchaser paid the instalment due at the end of the first year but could not pay the next and as a result one car was repossesed by the vendors for Rs. 1,00,000 by adjusting it against the amount due. The cars were depreciated @20% on fixed instalment method.
Rohit Car Dealers sold the repossessed car for Rs. 1,30,000 after spending Rs.6000 for repairs. Prepare important accounts in the books of Preethi associates and Rohit Car Dealers.
(b) Write a detail note on Human Resource accounting.
III. (a) From the following prepare Income and Expenditure account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st December, 2009.
Receipt and payment account for the year ended 31-12-2009
Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
To Balance b/d ... 600 By Salaries ... 1,245
Subscription: Stationeries ... 240
Arrears 24 Rates and Taxes ... 360
Current 1,266 Telephone ... 60
Profit from
Canteen ... 900 Advertisement ... 105
Miscellaneous ... 45 Postage ... 100
Sale of Newspaper ... 112 Sundries ... 350
(i) There are 450 members each paying annual subscription of Rs. 3 ; Rs. 27 being arrears for 2008 at the beginning of this year.
(ii) Stock of stationery on 31st December 2008 was Rs.30 and on 31-12-2009 Rs.54
(iii) Cost of building is Rs.6,000. Depreciate at the rate of 5% p.a.
(b) Mr. Gopal keeps his books under incomplete system. His position on 31st December 2002 was as follows:
Cash in hand Rs. 4,500, Cash at bank Rs.3,500, Stock in trade Rs.16,000, sundry debtors Rs.12,000, Furniture Rs. 10,000 and sundry creditors Rs.8,000.
On 31st December 2003, his position was as follows:
Cash in hand Rs.5,000, Cash at bank Rs.3,000, Stock in trade Rs.22,000, Sundry debtors Rs. 15,000, Bills receivable Rs. 6,000, Furniture Rs.10,000 and Sundry creditors Rs. 7,000. During the year 2003, Mr. Gopal withdrew Rs. 3,500 for personal purposes and introduced Rs. 2,000 for additional capital. Calculate profit or loss of the trader and also prepare his Final Statement of Affairs after considering the following: (a) Interest to be provided on opening capital 10% (b) Depreciation to be provided on furniture 15% (c) Provision required for bad debts 5%.
IV. (a) Explain the basic principles relating to lease accounting.
(b) On 15/2/2002 a fire occured in the premises of a company. From the following particulars ascertain the amount of claim that can be lodged if the stock was insured.
Stock on 1/1/2002 – Rs. 5,00,000
Purchase from 1/1/2002 to the date of fire – 75,000
Wages – 2,50,000
Manufacturing expenses – Rs. 1,50,000
Sales from 1/1/2002 to the date of fire – Rs. 12,00,000
Gross profit ratio is 25%
The stock was salvaged at Rs. 49,500
V. Compulsory:
The following is the Trial Balance of Chandra Bose as on 31st Dec. 2004.
Particulars | Dr. (Rs.) | Cr. (Rs.) |
Capital Plant and machinery (1.1.04) Addition to plant and machinery (on 1.7.04) Furniture Debtors and Creditors Purchases and Sales Opening Stock Salaries General expenses Bad debts Provision for bad debts Discount allowed Taxes and insurance Loan Motor vehicle | 20,000 10,000 5,000 30,400 62,500 6,500 3,500 6,200 800 700 1,800 8,000 | 16,000 24,900 98,500 1,000 15,000 |
| 1,55,400 | 1,55,400 |
The following are the adjustments to be made
1. Stock in hand on closing is estimated at Rs. 9,500
2. Write off further Rs. 400 as bad debts and provision for bad debts is to be made equal to 5% on debtors
3. Provide 2% on debtors for discount.
4. Depreciate plant and machinery at 10% per annum.
5. Interest on loan at 12% is due for the whole year.
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year and a Balance sheet as on 31st December 2004.
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
1. a. Find
b. x-y=2 ; y-2=4; x+y=6 Solve
2. a. Find differential coefficient of 4x3 + 3x2 -2x +7
b. A = {1,2,3,4}
B= {5,6,7,8}
(1) Find AUB
(2) Find A∩B
(3) Find (A∩B) ∩ (AUB)
3. a. Manufacturer of furniture makes two products, chairs and tables. Processing of these products in done on two machines A and B. A chair requires 2 hours on machine A and 6 hours on machine B. A table requires 5 hours on machine A and no time on Machine B. There are 16 hours of time per day available on machine A and 30 hours on machine B. profit gained by the manufacturer from a chair in Rs. 1 and from a table is Rs. 5 respectively. Formulate the problem into a L.P.P. in order to maximize the total profit.
b. Two coins are tossed what is the profitability of getting
1. Both heads
2. One head
3. At least one head
4. No head
4. a. A =
B = ![](file:///C:/Users/User3/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image013.gif)
Find 2A+3B
b. A= {a,b,c} B= {1,2,3}
![]() | ![]() |
Which is function and not function.
5. a. P=100000 N =2 R = 10% yearly
Find compound interest.
b. A party of 6 is to be formed from 10 boys and 7 girls so as to include 3 bodys and 3 girls. In how many way can the party be formed.
Time:3 hrs Marks:60 (12x5=60)
Answer all the questions
I. (a) Describe the contributions made by H. Fayol to modern management
(b) Explain the important functions of management in a multinational company
II. (a) Discuss the stages of team development
(b) How are group decisions made? How can group decisions be made more
III. (a) Examine the nature of different leadership styles followed by managers.
(b) State and explain the good qualities of an effective leader
IV. (a) As a manager how will you plan for the growth and effectiveness of your company?
(b) What is the nature and importance of organizational culture ?
V. (a) Case Analysis (Compulsory)
The New Proctor and Gamble ( P and G )
For years, the culture at P and G had supported steady growth and profits. In recent years, however, the company found itself under a great deal of pressure from the external competitive environment. For example, Kimberly Clark had cut deeply into P and G’s disposable diaper market, one of the company’s most lucrative market niches. At the same time, Lever Brothers was making inroads into P and G’s share of the soap and detergent market. On the new product development front, things were no better. The company was having disappointing results with its Pringles potato chips and was suffering financial losses on its Coldsnap Homemade Ice Cream Mix, Wondra hand cream, and rely Tampons. These setbacks were reflected on the company’s bottom line as pre-tax earnings fell for the first time in over thirty years. At the same time, the firm was having union problems. Its Kansas City plant voted to unionize, and the company went through a long fight with worker representatives in its efforts to change work practices and improver efficiency.
These developments led P.& G to make changes in its organisational culture. Some of these changes were the following:-
(i) The work team concept, in which production and maintenance workers called “technicians” are required to master and use a second skill, was extended throughout the P.and G.’s operations.
(ii) The life-time job tradition that once made P and G workers the envy of their blue collar counterparts elsewhere gave way to lay off.
(iii) The corporate paternalism of the past yielded to some hard practicalities as executive and workers alike were put on notice that plants that did not measure up on productivity cost and quality would be shut down.
(iv) A determined management vigorously resisted attempts by organized labour to dictate how P and G operations should be run.
In addition to the above, P and G trimmed it work force by 5 % on the plant floor and 4% company-wide . This was accomplished through reduced hiring, “early retirement”, and in some cases, lay off. Changing conditions has led P and G to change ts culture.
- How has the environment affected the P and G culture?
- If you were hired as a consultant by the P and G’s Board, what recommendations would you make to improve the company’s effectiveness?
Time:3hrs Marks:60
Answer all the questions
1.(a) Calculate the Mean, Median & Mode from the following data :-
Value (more than) | 0 | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 |
Frequency | 83 | 75 | 60 | 30 | 1 3 | 4 |
(b) Explain the role of statistics in Business Management.
2.(a) Fit a Poisson distribution & calculate the theoretical frequencies :
x | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
f | 123 | 59 | 14 | 13 | 1 |
(b) 8 coins are tossed at a time, 256 times. Find the expected frequencies
of success ( getting a head) & tabulate the result obtained.
3.(a) Calculate the two regression equations :-
x | 10 | 12 | 13 | 12 | 16 | 15 |
y | 40 | 38 | 43 | 45 | 37 | 43 |
(b) Find Pearsonian Co-efficient of correlation:
x | 100 | 101 | 102 | 102 | 100 | 99 | 97 | 98 | 96 |
y | 98 | 99 | 99 | 97 | 95 | 92 | 95 | 94 | 90 |
4. (a) Calculate 5- yearly moving average for the data:
Year | No. of failures | Year | No. of failures |
1992 | 23 | 2000 | 9 |
1993 | 26 | 2001 | 13 |
1994 | 28 | 2002 | 11 |
1995 | 32 | 2003 | 14 |
1996 | 20 | 2004 | 12 |
1997 | 12 | 2005 | 9 |
1998 | 12 | 2006 | 3 |
1999 | 10 | 2007 | 1 |
(b) Explain the various measures of measuring trend.
5. (a) Calculate Fisher’s Index & test whether it satisfies the test:
Commodity | Price 2008 | Price 2009 | Qty 2008 | Qty 2009 |
A | 8 | 10 | 20 | 30 |
B | 12 | 15 | 10 | 10 |
C | 6 | 8 | 16 | 20 |
D | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
(b) Describe the methods of business forecasting. (5×12=60 marks)
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