F 5544
(2 pages)
Re g. No.................. ,., ,......... ......
N arne................................... ,............. ,....
2002 Second Semester
Time: Three Hours
Maximum: 60 Marks
Section A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marhs.
1. What are the basic issues affecting the ecological equilibrium of a locality? Explain each in
2 or 3 lines.
2. "We have already started feeling the effects of global warming". Analyse this statement briefly. 3. How far, are we successful in utilizing non-conventional energy sources in India?
4. What is meant by maintenance of bio-diversity ? Explain with example.
5. Explain the categories and types of Environment control/management standards prevalent in
India at present.
Section B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marhs.
6. Population growth has affected environment management in India-Comment.
, Or
Give two examples of depletion of "natural resources". How can their adverse effects be countered
7 ..Examine the favourable or adverse effects of competition on consumer and environment, citing
example of a consumer product.
India is not effectively utilising the vast coal deposits, a natural resource. Comment.
8. How can better packaging materials/methods benefit environment management? Cite examples.
What is meant by ethics in. business/ industries as far as it concerns environment?
9. Cite the example of pollution in an industry you are familiar with and explain/suggest methods
for controlling the same.
Are the Pollution Control boards a help or hindrance in controlling industrial pollution? Justify
your position with example.
10. Same pollution control standards on a globalised basis are detrimental to the economic development
of developing countries. Comment and suggest alternatives.
There are not enough agencies capable of undertaking environment impact studies in India. Comment with suggestions.
Section C
Compulsory question.
11. (a) Indian Industries are yet to fully realise the importance of pollution control as a means to improving over all performance. Comment. --
(6 marks)
(b) What is the role of a developing country like India in controlling global pollution and
Maintaining ecological balance? "
(8 marks)
(c) What is the major pollution threat-.industrial /municipal /agricultural wast -in a populous
state like Kerala ?
(6 marks)
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